Thankfully, what follows is pure Nightmare Retardant from this point on. Very unfortunately for Timmy and fortunately for his parents, Vicky, and the viewers, this doesn't work as Vicky's parents are actually even more afraid of her.Vicky: Nobody's going anywhere! Haunted house, schmaunted house! As long as I'm making money here, WE STAY!!!! The episode "Timmy's 2-D House of Horror":.Even after he completely falls apart, he desperately tries begging for Timmy not to leave him with his normal voice-while still in his dragon form, mind you. On top of that, when he realizes Timmy is actually trying to get rid of him (by pretending to fix him when he's really tearing him apart enough to where he loses his indestructibility), he completely loses it and tries to kill the poor kid in retaliation. How about the clingy and insecure behavior of Superbike in, well, "Superbike"? His desperation to garner all of Timmy's attention, to the point of outright manipulating him by both hypnosis and playing to his sympathies comes off as disturbing and creepy, akin to a stalker, and when his position as Timmy's favorite bike is threatened, he instantaneously morphs into a vicious, blood-red dragon like thing with a demonic voice.After Eddie's plot is resolved, the episode ends with all of Timmy's other dead pets coming from their graves. Timmy's dead gerbil Eddie comes back to life as a zombie, and tries to seek revenge on Timmy, and later Timmy's parents, for his death. "That's Life" is one hell of a Zombie Apocalypse."Beddy Bye" features detailed, jarring and so very graphic images of Cosmo's and Timmy's sleep-deprived faces, making it completely out-of-place for a show with such a simplistic animation style.