Clan Missile Launchers weigh less and use less space.Clan Autocannons weigh less and use less space.Clan Lasers and PPCs do more damage, have more range, and some use less space.When comparing IS and Clan 'Mech technologies, the most notable Clan improvements are: Thus even when comparing the same weapon, the Clan version is superior. In addition, while the Inner Sphere's research has been nearly stagnant during their almost non-stop fighting, researchers among the Clans improved their weapons technology considerably. On the other hand, the Clans retained and expanded upon the the ER Large Laser, LB-X 5, Ultra AC 5, and Streak SRM 2, weapons developed by the Star League, developing a full range of each. The Inner Sphere has since regained many of them as Lostech, and is happy to even have that. Since the Clans left before the Succession Wars, they never lost the Star League 'Mech technologies (and presumably other technologies not relevant to the game) that were lost within the Inner Sphere. They implemented a eugenics program to further strengthen their population and improve their 'Mech warriors. Each clan has its own military, scientists, civilians, etc. To survive, they formed a new social structure based on a caste system and divided into clans. Tens of thousands died during the early years. There were new diseases, and they had to build all new infrastructure. The conditions on their new home were harsh. These people included the bulk of the Star League Defense Force, which saw no possibility of averting the coming civil war, their families, and anyone else who wanted to go with them. The Clans are descendants of humans that left the Inner Sphere roughly 250 years ago after the fall of the Star League to avoid the resulting Succession Wars that led to the five Great Houses becoming independent nations, as things stand in the Inner Sphere today.